Thursday, June 11, 2009

A Rock in a Hard Place

I am a huge Chris Rock fan, with his race commentary and hilarious critiques of U.S. foreign policy. But why are his gender politics so whack? (skip to the 3 minute mark)

As a student, non-abused, day shift stripper, I gotta say - he's way off the mark! Then again, if you're reading this post, you probably already knew that...


  1. This is depressing. Everyone knows Rock plays the class game and then some. The best thing about this is the fact that his baby daughter is gonna grow up to rock tha pole...

  2. I am willing to accept that he was just trying to be funny, though I was irked when this came out (what, three years ago?). He does have an impeccable customer reputation as a laid-back, generous tipper, so at least he behaves well when interacting with actual strippers.
